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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
02/19/23 The Sin of Evil Surmising Danny Simmons N/A Worship 9AM Sunday 02-19-2023_-_The_Sin_of_Evil_Surmising_-_9am.mp3
02/12/23 The South Pawed Benjaminite Danny Simmons N/A Worship 9AM Sunday 02-12-2023_-_The_South_Pawed_Benjeminite_-_9am.mp3
02/05/23 The Work in Chiapas Elliott Jackson N/A Worship 9AM Sunday 02-05-2023_-_The_Work_in_Chiapas_-_9am.mp3
02/05/23 Help, LORD! Danny Simmons N/A Worship 11AM Sunday 02-05-2023_-_Help_LORD_-_11am.mp3
01/29/23 The Little Things Danny Simmons N/A Sun AM Worship 01-29-2023_-_The_Little_Things_-_11am.mp3
01/29/23 Preparing the Heart Jacob Trahan N/A Sun AM Worship 01-29-2023_-_Preparing_the_Heart_-_9am.mp3
01/22/23 Burden Bearers Danny Simmons N/A Worship 11AM Sunday 01-22-2023_-_Burden_Bearers_-_11am.mp3
01/22/23 What Evil Has He Done? Danny Simmons N/A Worship 9AM Sunday 01-22-2023_-_What_Evil_Has_He_Done_-_9am.mp3
01/15/23 Things That Are True Danny Simmons N/A Sun AM Worship 01-15-2023_-_Things_That_Are_True_-_11am.mp3
01/15/23 Aids for Our Prayer Life David Ladyman N/A Sun AM Worship 01-15-2023_-_Aids_for_Our_Prayer_Life_-_9am.mp3
01/08/23 Deuteronomy 9:1-6 Danny Simmons N/A Worship 11AM Sunday 01-08-2023_-_Deuteronomy_9_1-6_-_11am.mp3
01/08/23 Let Us Pray Danny Simmons 2023 Theme of Prayer Worship 9AM Sunday 01-08-2023_-_Let_Us_Pray_-_9am.mp3
01/01/23 Safety In Discipline Danny Simmons N/A Worship 11AM Sunday 01-01-2023_-_Safety_In_Discipline_-_11am.mp3
01/01/23 The Value of Wise Counsel Danny Simmons N/A Worship 9AM Sunday 01-01-2022_-_The_Value_of_Wise_Counsel_-_9am.mp3
12/25/22 What He Has Done Danny Simmons N/A Sun AM Worship 12-25-2022_-_What_He_Has_Done_-_11am.mp3
12/25/22 What Shall We Do? Yell McGuyer N/A Sun AM Worship 12-25-2022_-_What_Shall_We_Do_-_9am.mp3
12/18/22 The Gifts of The Magi David Ladyman N/A Worship 11AM Sunday 12-18-2022_-_The_Gifts_of_The_Magi_-_11am.mp3
12/18/22 Hungering and Thirsting After Righteousness Todd Foster N/A Worship 9AM Sunday 12-18-2022_-_Hungering_and_Thirsting_After_Righteousness_-_9am.mp3
12/11/22 Things Worth Remembering Danny Simmons N/A Worship 9AM Sunday 12-11-2022_-_Things_to_Remember_-_9am.mp3
12/04/22 No Head Waggers Danny Simmons N/A Worship 11AM Sunday 12-04-2022_-_No_Head_Waggers_-_11am.mp3
12/04/22 Ahijah Was Right Danny Simmons N/A Worship 9AM Sunday 12-04-2022_-_Ahijah_Was_Right_-_9am.mp3
11/27/22 When The Wood Is Dry Eric Reynolds N/A Worship 11AM Sunday 11-27-2022_-_When_the_Wood_Is_Dry_-_11am.mp3
11/27/22 Equal With God Danny Simmons N/A Worship 9AM Sunday 11-27-2022_-_Equal_With_God_-_9am.mp3
11/20/22 The Whole Armor of God Danny Simmons N/A Worship 11AM Sunday 11-20-2022_-_The_Whole_Armor_of_God_-_11am.mp3
11/20/22 Why Did Peter Have A Sword? Casey England N/A Worship 9AM Sunday 11-20-2022_-_Why_Did_Peter_Have_A_Sword_-_9am.mp3

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