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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
08/07/22 Amos - Part 2 Danny Simmons Amos Worship 9AM Sunday 08-07-22_-_Amos_part_2_-_9am.mp3
07/31/22 Grace That Divides the Waters Gerard Fierro N/A Worship 9AM Sunday 07-17-31_-_Grace_That_Divides_the_Waters_-_9am.mp3
07/24/22 Genesis 2:2 Danny Simmons N/A Worship 11AM Sunday 7-24-22_Genisis_.mp3
07/24/22 Amos pt. 1 Danny Simmons Amos Sun AM Worship 07-17-22_-_Anos_part_1_-_9am.mp3
07/17/22 Honoring Marriage Danny Simmons N/A Worship 11AM Sunday 07-17-22_-_Honoring_Marriage_-_11am.mp3
07/17/22 Lust Danny Simmons N/A Worship 9AM Sunday 07-17-22_-_Lust_-_9am.mp3
07/10/22 Reaping What You Sow Danny Simmons N/A Worship 11AM Sunday 07-10-22_-_Reaping_What_You_Sow_-_11am.mp3
07/10/22 Father, Glorify Your Name Danny Simmons N/A Worship 9AM Sunday 07-10-22_-_Father_Glorify_Your_Name_-_9am.mp3
07/03/22 What A Blind Man Saw Rick Reynolds N/A Worship 11AM Sunday 07-03-22_-_What_A_Blind_Man_Saw-_11am.mp3
07/03/22 Forgiveness Ben Schneider N/A Worship 9AM Sunday 07-03-22_-_Forgiveness_-_9am.mp3
06/26/22 Nehemiah Danny Simmons N/A Worship 11AM Sunday 06-26-22_-_Nehemiah_-_11am.mp3
06/26/22 One another Yell McGuyer N/A Worship 9AM Sunday 06-26-22_-_One_another_-_9_am.mp3
06/19/22 New Testament Enthusiasn Danny Simmons N/A Sun AM Worship 06-19-22_-_New_Testament_Enthusiasm_-11am.mp3
06/19/22 The Subtle Symptoms of Pride Danny Simmons N/A Sun AM Worship 06-19-22_-_The_Subtle_Signs_of_Pride_-9am.mp3
06/12/22 The Father, The Son, And The Holy Spirit Danny Simmons N/A Worship 9AM Sunday 06-12-22_-_The_Father_The_Son_And_The_Holy_Spirit_-9am.mp3
06/05/22 Colossians 2:11-23 Danny Simmons N/A Worship 11AM Sunday 06-05-22_-_Colossians_2_-11am.mp3
06/05/22 The Pillar and Ground of the Truth Danny Simmons N/A Worship 9AM Sunday 06-05-22_-_The_Pillar_and_Ground_of_the_Truth-9am.mp3
06/01/22 Keeping Our Word Danny Simmons N/A Sun AM Worship 05-29-22_-_Keeping_Our_Word-11am.mp3
05/22/22 The Resounding Voices of God - Part 2 Danny Simmons N/A Worship 11AM Sunday 05-22-22_-_The_Resounding_Voices_of_God_-_Part_2_-_11AM.mp3
05/22/22 The Wisdom of Solomon Danny Simmons N/A Worship 9AM Sunday 05-22-22_-_The_Wisdom_of_Solomon_-_9AM.mp3
05/15/22 The Dangers Of Instant Gratification, Part Three Danny Simmons The Dangers of Instant Gratification Worship 9AM Sunday 05-15-22_-_The_Dangers_of_Instant_Gratification_-_Part_3_-_9AM.mp3
05/08/22 The Resounding Voices of God Part 1 Danny Simmons The Resounding Voices of God Worship 11AM Sunday 05-08-22_-_The_Resounding_Voices_of_God_-_Part_1_-_11AM.mp3
05/08/22 The Dangers of Instant Gratification - Part 2 Danny Simmons The Dangers of Instant Gratification Worship 9AM Sunday 05-08-22_-_The_Dangers_of_Instant_Gratification_-_Part_2_-_9AM.mp3
05/01/22 Tradition or Commandment Danny Simmons N/A Worship 11AM Sunday 05-01-22_-_Tradition_or_Commandments_-_11AM.mp3
05/01/22 The Dangers of Instant Gratification - Part 1 Danny Simmons The Dangers of Instant Gratification Worship 9AM Sunday 05-01-22_-_The_Dangers_of_Instant_Gratification_-_Part_1_-_9AM.mp3

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